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Oren Segal Ph.D.

Oren Segal, PhD, Senior Researcher at InsightOut SK, received his training in Applied Anthropology and Marketing from the University of Wisconsin, USA. He started his journey into Consumer Insight while working on his M.A. degree supervising cross-culture business negotiations in the Middle East.  He gained experience in product development, globalisation and marketing working for a range of companies around the world.

Oren’s expertise in consumer insight motivated him to move to North America and study cross-culture and marketing topics focusing on globalization. His PhD research brought him to Eastern Europe to conduct extensive qualitative research on the post-socialist markets. The research was conducted in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Germany and involved a variety of former socialist fashion companies. Oren also collaborated with several universities. The research won him a scholarship award from the Government of the Slovak Republic.

As an academic scholar, Oren is fascinated by the effect of globalization on local communities from all aspects. While not rejecting globalization, his ongoing research shows how globalization makes use of domesticating global trends. 

In 2017, Oren moved to Slovakia and launched a company focused on consumer insight research making use of the considerable experience gained from his time researching across  three continents. Combining academic qualitative research with projects in the private sector, Oren is researching a wide variety of topics.

Currently, his ongoing research focuses on several subjects: UX, post-socialist consumption and technology, social psychology of design, and global trends.

His company experience ranges from large projects such as technological  research for T-Mobile in four countries to local consumer insight projects in Slovakia for companies like Slovnaft.

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