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Completed Projects

Experientia for Telekom research case.

Updated: Dec 14, 2020

Prototype testing, UX and consumer ethnography.


InsightOut SK took part in a large-scale research program on technology across four European countries. The research goal was to define key points in user experience and technology. The results would determine how the technology of today would look in the future.

Field research:

Our research team visited several cities in Slovakia to investigate technology experts and observe in real time how they used their technology throughout the day. We also observed families and the dynamics within those families regarding the use and operation of technology.

Our senior researchers met in Torino Italy for a complete workshop analysis. We continued our research at Telekom Headquarters in Bonn, Germany. Finally, we returned to Slovakia and conducted a laboratory-based cognitive prototype session with a focus group.


Accurate data was obtained by using a variety of research methods. One of our favorite, unique methods is the use of storytelling and interpretation.

Technology users were more than willing to tell us a range of stories regarding their technological experiences. Subsequently, we were able to identify and evaluate key points from the stories and were thus able make our recommendations. Our team also observed how users interacted with their smart homes in real time. We surveyed the houses and mapped out the key areas where people and technology interacted.


We gathered specific information on Smart Houses, Voice Command technolgy, notifications and the security of personal data.

We acquired and shared a significant amount of data and experience on the topics of UX and technology and Telekom’s adoption of new ways of interacting with technology and smart houses are a testimony to the success of our research.


“Dear Oren …it was a pleasure working with you and your team …The information you provided was extremely helpful for us”. Jan-Christoph Zoels - founding partner of Experientia

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