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  • segaloren

The real best-cleaning product ever made!

I have discovered the best cleaning product ever made and I was only 15 years old!

This could be a bestseller for your company as well. Allow me to explain:

You see, every weekend one student had to stay after school and wash the floor. I guess the school wanted to save some money.

Washing the floor is not a difficult task, we all know the drill. You lift all the chairs up, fill up your bucket with washing products and hot water. Take your broom, dip your cloth, and start washing. After finishing, I collected all the water into the bucket and finally, dried the floor with my dry cloth. Job done!

Proud of my accomplishment, I invited the teacher to inspect my work. It only took her half a second to look around and get back at me saying in a very commanding voice: “young boy, you have not cleaned the floor!”.

A very frustrated kid went back home longing to understand what he did wrong.

It is only when I stayed after-school the following week, I realized what allegedly went wrong. The cleaning students just skipped the last stage of drying the floor. The floor stayed wet and shiny…

For the best cleaning product, the most important series of questions every professional observer should ask is: 1) What does it mean for something to be clean? 2) When is the task accomplished accomplished and the job done?

In preparation for developing the perfect cleaner, do this simple task. Find cleaning advertisement pictures from around the world. Inspecting those pictures should give you a good staring point.

If you want to know more about the process, please give us a call.

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